Frequently Asked Questions:

I always thought I was a Macaronius, but it's not on your list - what happened to that sign?  Walter, Maine.

Clearly, you are following the obsolete Egremont Russet doctrine.  Macaronius was later correctly identified as Tortellini, so use that sign for your Pastascope predictions and this time get with the program.

I was born at 10 minutes to midnight on April the 20th, and some other pastarology systems say I am a Ziti. Am I really?  Hugh Janus, Ontario.

Nah. The whole cusp thing is just a fuzzy logic excuse for the feeble minded. Like it or lump it, you are a Fusillonius. Bummer.

What's the real meaning for the use of the Quantum in the expression Quantum Pastarology?  Brian Damage, NY.

Because Pasta is in lumps. Stupid question. And your degree is in... ? 

Your pastascope for Raviolius last week said that Profiteroles was moving into my fifth house, but I know a little bit about Pastarology and Profiteroles is not actually a type of pasta...   Dr. Anna Polis, MD, MD.

You people make me sick. Here I am, slaving over a hot TRS-80 to produce accurate Pastascopes and the best you can do is nitpick. Profiteroles was adopted by the International Pastarology Union as far back as 1926. Do you seriously think I just arbitrarily make up this stuff?



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